Onedrive is not running
Onedrive is not running

When using the OneDrive app, the Files on Demand feature provides access to your OneDrive files without having to download all of them and use up storage space on your computer. You can also watch our Restoring a Previous Version of a File in OneDrive video. To restore a previous version of a file, see the instructions. OneDrive keeps track of previous versions for files. You can also watch our Restoring a File or Folder You Accidentally Deleted in OneDrive video. The OneDrive web app enables you to restore deleted files or folders.

  • Restore a File or Folder You Accidentally Deleted.
  • For more information, see the Microsoft Teams video training page or Teams Quick Start Guide (PDF format). While OneDrive is good for sharing files on a one-off basis, Microsoft Teams is a better choice when sharing files with a group of people. You can also watch our new Sharing Files in OneDrive video. To learn more, see the Microsoft Share OneDrive files and folders page. You can set security on files with a password and expiration date and also set permission for collaborative editing. OneDrive allows you to share folders and files both within Temple and externally. You can also watch our new Uploading Files in OneDrive video. You can upload files or folders from your computer to OneDrive manually or by using drag and drop. You can also watch our new Using the OneDrive App for Windows or Mac video. IMPORTANT! When prompted for your email address make sure to enter your AccessNet-username (for example, Then, if prompted, click the Work or School button.
  • Perform a quick setup process for Windows or Mac.
  • Otherwise, first see OneDrive App Setup for Unsupported Operating Systems before performing the setup process.
  • If your computer is running Windows 10 version 1709 or later, or macOS Mojave or later, proceed to the next step.
  • onedrive is not running onedrive is not running

    Determine your version of Windows or MacOS.Get started using the OnDrive App by performing the quick setup process below: Access your files easily by clicking the OneDrive icon ( ) on your computer or by using the Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder.If you are working offline, the changes will sync up when you go back online. If you add, delete or update a file using the app, the changes are updated on OneDrive on the web and vice versa.

    onedrive is not running

    Sync your files between your computer and the cloud.

    Onedrive is not running